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- Category: Philip Jones - Writings
- Published: Saturday, 26 July 2008 10:47
- Written by Philip Jones
- Hits: 11841

"The most dangerous revolutions are not those which tear everything down, and cause the streets to run with blood, but those which leave everything standing, while cunningly emptying it of any significance". The Danish philosopher `Kierkegaard`.
London's Evening Standard Edition for 1st July 2008 reported in an article entitled `Happyland` that a recent opinion poll revealed that of all the peoples of the world, Danes were the happiest. This the poll stated was due to the country's peaceful atmosphere, Democracy and social equality.
Link til denne artikel oversat til Norsk, med kommentarer:
I have lived in Denmark for the better part of the last thirteen years, and yes, compared to the larger more industrialised nations, it is indeed peaceful here, and in the future, if current trends persist, will become ever more so as the population plummets due to the below replacement birthrate and a national antipathy towards immigration. The Danish Democratic ideal is as it is elsewhere today, a ruse to calm the masses into thinking they actually have a voice, when the truth is very different. When people believe themselves `free`, they do not rebel, so all remains `peaceful`. As for `Social Equality`, some Danes are more equal than others, and as it is everywhere else, a consulting surgeon for example, and a manual labourer are not regarded or treated as equals by anyone I have met here.
In recent times, there have been several such surveys conducted, all of which asserted that Denmark is the happiest place on the planet. The question is of course, why do we need to keep being told this? What is the purpose, and is there an agenda, as for the life of me, I cannot see Danes as being a happy people at all.
It is my thesis following much research and investigation into this phenomena that Denmark is, and has been for years, a `Test Zone` for the European Union in particular and the emerging New World Order in general. And that the constant reinforcing of this Danish `fairy tale` in the international media is contrived to convince the peoples of the EU firstly, and the rest of the world thereafter, that the subtle mental prison that is Denmark, is highly desirable and a model that all should strive for.
To state that Danes are the happiest people on earth is abject nonsense and I will attempt in this essay to debunk this Illuminati manipulated version of the truth once and for all.
The Danish concept of happiness is quite different to that of say the USA, or any of the other English speaking lands. Danish happiness is tied up entirely in one word; `Tryghed` or safety/security. Now these elements might be necessary for a happy life, but they do not constitute happiness in themselves. A long term prisoner might feel `safe and secure`, but how many would proclaim happiness.
The most common English dictionary definition of happiness is; “ A state of pleasure, joy, exhilaration, bliss, contentment, delight, enjoyment, satisfaction”.
Of the above, I can only say that I have witnessed in the Dane a sense of resigned contentment and satisfaction with his or her lot. The other elements are highly conspicuous by their absence. It should be noted that Danes are generally undemanding and compliant by nature and so long as the Status Quo is maintained, they shuffle about their lives innocuously enough
So what is this all about then? It's about constructing an environment where people become servile and acquiescent. Grateful for the `scraps` handed down to them by their benevolent master, the State. As Aldous Huxley wrote in Brave New World, “The perfect Totalitarian State is one where the political bosses, and their army of managers, control a population of slaves, who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude”. This describes Denmark and the Danes perfectly.
As I have stated above, my contention is that Denmark and the Danes along with Sweden (please read `The New Totalitarians by Roland Huntford) have been used as a model for the EU Superstate. A laboratory experiment if you like, in order to test and try out those systems to be introduced on a pan continental scale sometime in the near future. If one wanted to conduct such an experiment, certain conditions would be desirable. Like any worthwhile research site, a level of isolation and insulation is essential. The number of subject specimens needs to be large and varied enough to allow the project validity, but not so large that the possibility of losing control becomes a factor. The subject specimens themselves must have character traits found commonly from within and outside the `target zone`, yet be malleable enough to allow for sudden and unexpected changes to the programme, and as an essential, lacking completely any tendency to rebelliousness and non conformity.
Both Denmark and Sweden certainly fulfil the criteria above and could be said to fall within the remit of the above described possible scenario. Both are located at the Northern Tip of Europe. Both have a tradition of neutrality and isolationism. Both have small and traditionally compliant populations due to many decades of imposed socialist dogma, and a history of bureaucratic government. Both have for centuries been regarded as being on the very fringe of European Culture and therefore generally of little interest to the `mainstream of European life. But most perfectly, and up until very recently, both have been, and to a large extent still are, highly homogeneous.
To induce a people into believing the level of national and cultural superiority displayed by Danes is an elementary device to secure compliance with the state and hinder criticism. When covering news stories from abroad, the Danish media in general and television in particular appear more intent on highlighting the `superior` nature of the Danish social model, than reporting the news accurately and giving a fair and balanced picture of life in other lands. The negatives of the other country are starkly highlighted and any positives usually ignored. Weighted comparisons are drawn to the advantages of living in Denmark. Danes are not only repeatedly told that they enjoy one of the highest standards of living on earth, and the best welfare system, but that they and all things Danish are superior.
For the outsider, the complexity of this system of self adulation and the crucial role played in it by the media and state education system can be difficult to grasp. To instil this sense of superiority and security, the Danish State Propaganda Machine must continually convey these messages about itself
1. That it is in every respect functioning successfully.
2. That it is superior in all aspects.
3. That the people and the state are indivisible.
4. That the state apparatus is the democratically elected guardian of the Danish way of life.
Leonard Schapiro wrote ; “The true object of propaganda is neither to convince nor persuade, but to produce a uniform pattern of public utterance in which the first trace of unorthodox thought reveals itself as a jarring dissonance”.
In Denmark, the role of the `elected` politicians, although in no way resembling anything of a truly democratic nature is still very significant. As in the other EU countries, their function is to act as `front men`, presenting the system to the Danish people as being unchanged. Conveying the message that it is they, the elected representatives, who still make the rules and hold the power given to them `democratically` by the voters. Perpetuating the illusion that Denmark is somehow immune to the turbulences of the outside world and that the Danish State will provide and protect.
The constant use of `Flag Flying` plays a huge role in this, aiding the illusion of national independence and sovereignty. The truth is of course that Danish Folketing like other national parliaments in Europe is increasingly subservient to Brussels.
Danes have been so conditioned to believe what they are told by officialdom, that they have become unquestioning and uninterested dupes in the European Scheme to create a Federal Superstate with Fascist credentials.
There are many examples of how my own country the UK, has implemented legislation from Brussels causing huge social change, the model for which has been present and tested in Denmark for years. I would hazard a guess that the same is true for many of the other member states.
Recently, the Irish people voted against adopting the EU Reform Treaty, understanding that ratification would mean the loss of sovereignty over a myriad of important issues. In Denmark, the Prime Minister stated (without the slightest hint of a smirk on his face) that Denmark would ratify the `Treaty` by parliamentary means as it involved no loss of sovereignty. This was clearly a bare faced lie, and yet public debate and criticism was and remains almost non existent.
When I first arrived here all those years ago, I was frequently told that Denmark `exports` knowledge, not products. Now I understand what that `knowledge` is. Denmark has shown the way to the rest of Europe, and perhaps the world on how to construct a subtly dictatorial state, which without resorting to overt oppression or force, can easily micromanage almost every aspect of a persons life from cradle to grave, instil in people a national condition of dependency on the State, get citizens without coercion, to spy on their neighbours, regulate and police each other, and identify with the state, rather than with family and community. The experiment I would suggest has been a resounding success. Sadly now for the whole of Europe, it's results and findings are being implemented throughout the EU bloc, much to the dismay of those unaccustomed to having their lives, and those of their children dictated to by a sinister bureaucratic behemoth.
If Denmark is filled with all these happy folk, why is it that this Socialist Utopia has one of the highest suicide rates in the world, especially amongst the youth, with a rapidly growing number of young people of school age being prescribed anti depressant drugs, massive levels of alcoholism, a growing disaffection between the genders, resulting in low marriage levels, a below replacement birth rate, and a alienation and polarisation between the generations. Is this really a description of `Happy land`?
So, are Danes happy? They have certainly been conditioned to believe they are. Are they secure? The illusion that they are remains, but cracks in the `dam` are appearing. For the present, until the `experiment` is concluded, and so long as they continue to acquiesce to the relentless demands for an ever greater share of their personal wealth, Danes will continue to worship their holiest of Holies `Tryghed` and believe themselves `cared for` by their `benefactor and protector`, the Danish State .
In conclusion, the Danish variant of happiness is simply not the same as one would find in, for example, Australia or the USA . Like a Canary in a cage, provided all the essentials of survival are present, with the illusion of credit created affluence intact, the Dane will proclaim his `happiness`. Tragically, he/she is not qualified to answer any questions regarding happiness as he/she simply doesn't know what it is.
Philip Jones
Postscript: Yesterday evening, I was walking my dogs in a small wooded area near to my home when I met a young couple innocently enjoying a Mid Summers evening together. I knew immediately that they were not Danes, as they were smiling and warmly greeted me, even acknowledging my dogs, and this is not the kind of behaviour I have come to expect from the natives, who usually give a brief, stoic nod of the head, ignore the dogs and hurry on their way, in case I might engage them in conversation. Anyway, it turns out that the young couple were from the Ukraine. We stood and chatted for a while, and as it always does when one meets other Non Danes in Denmark, the question of how each of us likes or dislikes living in the country, and how we perceive the natives, arose. We agreed that Danes were `decent enough, but a little stern, stoic, not over friendly, often unwelcoming, miserable when sober, and difficult to come in contact with on a personal level`
I have had many similar conversations with foreigners from all over the world who were/are resident here. It should be added at this stage that of course, one does find helpful and friendly Danes as one does everywhere. But it's not the individual character I am talking about here, it is the national character, and it is my experience that a happy, friendly, open Dane is the exception, rather than the rule.
Coming soon: Has Denmark been a `Test Zone` for Codex Alimentarius?